About Us

Long history, short story.

About Stinson Air & Solar Solutions

We could tell you a long story, listing all the great qualities we bring to making your relationship with us memorable and rewarding.

We could talk at length about how, since Brad Stinson founded Stinson Air & Solar in 1995 and we grew with Stinson Air South West in 2013, we’ve always done things just a little bit differently.

Instead we’ve chosen to highlight just ten reasons in our video below why Stinson Air & Solar is the first choice in air conditioning and rooftop solar for so many of WA’s leading builders and thousands of satisfied homeowners and businesses in Perth and the South West.

10 Reasons why Stinson Air & Solar should be your first choice for Residential and Construction needs

The best team and fabulous values

Our team are undoubtedly in our minds the  best in the business, we honestly believe we have the tightest knit, most high performing team in our industry (that’s what so many of our clients and suppliers tell us anyway), we like to think we look after our team and in return they look after you our clients which in turn looks after our business. We live our Stinson Air & Solar Values, they are not just words on a wall, we talk about them twice daily with our team and we reward, praise, hire and make key decisions based on our values, they are a big part of who we are.

Why this matters

While we are absolute specialists in our fields, our ultimate specialty is taking every opportunity to put our clients first and to do that you need to have the best people as part of the team Everyone at Stinson Air & Solar is 100% committed to living our values.  This means taking ownership and responsibility in every encounter we have with you and being accountable for delivering excellent service and much more. Please learn more about what these are all about; core values

Industry leading quality control

Our 28 Point Quality Control system  and other quality control systems sets the WA industry benchmark for impeccable installations that are industry leading to ensure high performing, energy efficient, quiet operation and long life system installs.

Why this matters

Our Stinson Air & Solar installed ducted air conditioning system or solar systems are subject to what we believe is the most rigorous, technically advanced checking regime in the industry. Our site supervisors regularly carry out these quality controls to ensure our standards stay to the highest level. The majority of our competitors have no quality control at all, and it shows, as the majority of Perth homes have substandard installations that would not pass our tests. We see examples all the time!

We also use the data from our quality control systems to give detailed feedback to everyone connected to your installation and fix any issues immediately and reward or praise when deserved. We implemented this system to protect and embed our quality procedures across our expanding business and it’s at the heart of Stinson Air & Solar’s exemplary customer service.

Find our more about us and who we are.

Meet the team

Magnificent service, minimal marketing

Over 80% of our work comes from repeat or referred business so our marketing budget is tiny.

Why this matters

Our reputation for honesty, quality and rock solid customer service means our clients trust us long term and they happily recommend the Stinson Air & Solar team as consummate professionals who always go the extra mile. Reputation is important to us, our vision is to be Western Australia’s most respected air conditioning and solar company (not the largest). It is something we will always strive for, some recent comments by some of the industries leading suppliers hinted to us that we may be close, we got told the following by a key supplier, “…we have over 700 clients around Australia and we rate Stinson Air & Solar at the top of the pile and head and shoulders above number two on that list due to your organization and quality control…. (they went on to say) …. our warranty teams love your work because they know when they visit your sites that it will be a true warranty issue and not from bad installation …. (they then went on to say)… so now we have taken photos of your workmanship to try and train many of our other clients on how an install should be done.”  For us this was Gold!

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(08) 9444 6744